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Joining our Courses

Great! You would like to enroll/ sign up/ study in a specific course with Hawwaz. To do so, you need to do the following; you need to register in "Hawwaz" platform with an active account, then head towards the page of the course and press the "Register in this Course" button. You will receive a confirmation email of your enrollment in the course.
We have a clear, accurate and practical process that is under review periodically that helps us in choosing courses. We started discussing building alliances and collaborative relationships with academic and knowledge institutions, individuals and experts interested in spreading knowledge. In the coming future we are hoping to announce the new developments in the courses offered as well as our cooperative relations.
We take care of every detail at the time of registration with the lecturers to ensure that the recorded material are with highest quality thus encouraging the student to watch and keep going. Each lecture is subject to professional editing, and is published in a number of short clips to help students keep their focus and stay on track and to make sure the students absorb the content of the lectures. They will also find interactive exercises that will contain a question /questions related to the clip. In addition to the interactive exercises, there are assignments and chores created by the lecturer or the content staff and are graded as a part of the final grade and final examination. Some courses will provide its bound students a certificate of completion after passing the final test.

Entry about Hawwaz

Hawwaz program provides the chance to register in digital training courses in all fields for graduates to enter the workforce, and develop staff performance to the highest professional level according to the needs of the market. These courses are prepared by distinguished instructors and content specialists using mechanisms that guarantee an interactive learning environment; using technology, different mechanisms and techniques utilizing the web to achieve interaction between digital training content and between trainees and the trainers and manage the educational training process using the least amount of time possible within reasonable costs, together with the digital publishing features, and interactive activities and tasks and electronic testing as well as following up on the performance of trainees, in order to achieve the highest quality of results of the training meeting the continuously changing market demands and develop the performance of staff in various sectors, in addition to providing the trainee, content at any time, in any place.
Unlimited; a student can enroll in as many courses as they wish.
Hawwaz courses will try to cover all fields and cognitive areas with the time passing and we are striving to reach the biggest section of audience of all scientific fields and sectors.

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