Hawwaz Platform

Professional training courses and digital diplomas in engineering and medical fields; money-related and business, and education; with the aim of developing professional performance of workers and orienting university graduates of Arabic universities meeting the crucial demands of the labor market and the continuous digital knowledge outburst. With programs that are set by an elite of trainees and content experts.

Using different mechanisms to ensure a provisional interactive learning environment that employs Web technology and its different tools achieving interaction between digital training content, trainees and the trainer and manage the training process as quickly with the least expense; while providing the benefits of deploying digital content, activities, homework; and conducting online tests and follow up and monitor the performance of trainees; including other features which help to achieve high quality training outputs, in addition to providing content for interns at any time and any place.

Our Vision

To pioneer in digital training to enhance graduates and employees under the cognitive revolution and digital technology with the aim of positive change for the better.

Our Message

Move forward with the employees’ progress in the field of educational and academic training, and prepare them to cope with changes, and cognitive and technical developments, and contribute to the creation of informed and interactive Arab percept that keeps up with the knowledge and technological age achievements professionally and competently; thus, upscaling the education industry, and make it a profitable investment, not measuring its impact in real time, but as products of cognitive and performance later on which is the recycling process of knowledge products.

Our Goals

  • Identify the general skills and competencies for graduates and workers.
  • Prepare lists of professional skills meeting the demands of the market.
  • Analyze the required qualifications in the labor market.
  • Prepare programs and vocational diplomas based on the requirements of the labor market.
  • Digital training in a variety of types: Direct, Self-learning, Flipped and Integrated.